ok let's see.....punk n stuff all started cuz I got some nasty fluorescent pink flyer in my "frosh" package advertising for the radio hehe. I thought being a DJ for the radio sounded like a wicked-kool idea so I skipped the second half of my "intro to soc" class to go to the training session :) This was back in the day when VIBE was called Radio Erindale, and we broadcasted out of room 173 in the North Building (never heard of it? I know, I know, it's tucked in a corner in the middle of nowhere and you've probably never been there...unless you got lost hehehe.) This was in September 1998. I asked my best friend Vicki to DJ the show with me and she said yes :) We had DJ'd together a few times at "Pirate Radio" our high school's lame excuse for a radio station...ahhh the memories hehe. So we became farfie and sidekick-vic, DJs of punk n stuff :)
The show aired from 1-3pm Fridays during the 98-99 school year. Then it changed to Fridays from 12-2pm during the summer of 99 :) and this year, 99-00, we moved to 3-5pm on Mondays, which is at what time you can listen to us for the whole summer of 2000 :) That's EST by the way :) There's a link on the main page that'll take you right to us :) For the 00-01 school year, Vicki will be music manager of VIBE, and I'm gonna be punk director! Doesn't that rewl? This year is looking to be the best yet!
ahh, school starts again! for the 00-01 school year, we've changed our slot time yet again! hehe...we will now be broadcasting our wicked-kool show from 4-6pm still on Mondays, to accomodate for classes :) well...that's probably it for our history..so far :) drop by the studio located in the student centre of UTM (University of Toronto at Mississauga) from 4-6pm on Mondays and witness history in the making :) and who knows...you may end up on this page..
wow man! since then.. our university days have ended.. and unfortunately, so too did our radio show, but we are still here! our love for music has morphed into a new and exciting endeavour, we lovingly call punk n stuff promotions. We put on shows in the Mississauga area for tons of really kool bands. So stay tuned to this site for info on upcoming shows! Headlining our November 16th/03 show is the Constantines.. come on out for a kick-ass time.