Vicki's Bio

Hi, I'm sidekick vic (aka Vicki). I'm 21 years old and I finished my second year of university. I'm a Soc major (which explains my craziness). If you're listening to punk n stuff and a song that totally doesn't fit comes assured it's mine. I love the Get up Kids, Elliot Smith, Jersey, classical music, francophone music (Jorane, Tremolo), Grey Area, Bouncing Souls..the list goes on. I play the classical and electric guitar...I was once in a band (all those years ago). I am so happy to be attending UTM. I'm a fun-loving girl who loves music of many genres and types. I also have a love for movies. All types of movies...but I have a soft spot for independent and foreign films (and cheesy 80's movies). My favourite movies of all time have to be Chasing Amy, the dinner game (le diner do con), Dreamlife of Angels (le reves des anges), Pretty in Pink, Reality Bites, and Run Lola Run (lola rennet). Well I send out a big kiss and a hug to all of our listeners :)

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