BOY SETS FIRE - Drowningman & Every Time I Die
August 25/00 @ Showplace Theatre, Buffalo NY

This is my first concert in the lovely town of Buffalo. I have to start off this review with the gracious appraise for the Buffalo audience. Never did I have teh chance to be so close without the threat of manglement. Plus, everyone was so polite and nice. It was great. It started off with Every Time I Die. They always seem to end up in all of my reviews. Well they played an awesome set with some really kickin new songs. Drowningman was awesome. Again, with Simon's sarcastic and sharp humour that just hits you. He sais something about having sweaty balls and he undid his pants and got some kid to feel his let. Pretty crazy! Boy Sets Fire was also amazing. Unfortunately their bass amp broke so they had to delay the set for a little while. They new bassist Rob was there, and he rocked. We were lucky enough to do an interview with him. Nathan was great with the audience. Oh my God, I was alnost going to forget the jungle studs...well, that's s story better left untold.

reviewed by sidekick-vic

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