Elliott Smith - May 23/00 - Phoenix Concert Theatre

I had to miss the opening band Whiskey Biscuits because I had to attend my interesting film studies course (do not ask me about formalism and realism in films...heehee). I actually caught the end of their set..it was pretty good. I had never been to the Phoenix Concert Theatre previous to this concert and it was completely packed that night. Elliott Smith's newest release Figure 8 incorporates a more fuller band sound. His new album is much like Ani Difranco's newest release To The Teeth, whis is experimenting with more instruments and sounds. During the night, Elliott concentrated on the new album and the last DreamWorks release xo. The highlight of the night was the encore when Elliott performed on his own. The two best songs of the night were performed in raw, tender and moving Smith style on his acoustic guitar and his voice. The two songs were : Between Bars (Mike's favourite) and Say Yes (my favourite). Listening to Say Yes ..some tears streamed down my face...because that is what his songs do to me. During his set he apologized to the audience, saying that he wasn't feeling well that night and that it wasn't our fault. Well it was almost to be expected from this extremely emotional and haunting songwriter. I kick myself in the butt for not seeing him two years ago when he came to the Rivoli (my pride got in the way : long story).

reviewed by sidekick-vic

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