The Endkindels - July 20/00 @ Who's Emma?

This was a fantastic concert..and you may say it should have sucked considering that there was no PA system at Who's Emma that night. I got there at about 9pm and I was so excited to see the Enkindels. I love their raunchy rock n' roll sound (which is really due to Mark Brickey's voice and his awesome lyrics). Where many bands would have packed up and left and said "to hell with this", the Enkindels went to the basement of Who's Emma and played an amazing acoustic set for the 20 people who stuck around. Mark Bricky brought a cash drawer saying that he saw some guy playing his guitar on the street and he thought "I'm a big musician, I'll never have to do that"...and he was a day later. He started every song off with a great explanation and he gave amazing insights to why Canada is an amazing country. He said that even the highways were clean... "there's a city somewhere in the distance". They played eva luna (a song about his best friend having a baby), loose screws , turning away st. louis , and a song about florida. We had a great talk with Mark after the was just great. He was very friendly and extremely easy to talk to. It was an excellent concert.

initial records

reviewed by sidekick-vic

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