gob, treble charger, & eve 6
December 17/00 @ the warehouse


they were amazing..as always :) they always know how to work the crowd..they played such songs as been so long, I hear you calling, sleepyhead (which is my favourite off the new album) and others from the new album as well. They played on these days, self-appointed leader, what to do and others off of how far shallow takes you . They were even so kind as to play SODA for us fans from long long ago hehe :) There were A LOT of NU fans at this edge electric xmas shindig..but I suppose that's to be expected at this sort of thing..irritating as it may be heh. Gob were just awesome, as they always are..they played first and were definitely the highlight of the evening..but I would definitely have preferred to see them headlining in a smaller venue.


well....uh...yeah they were good? heh...I used to like treble charger, oh so many years ago..and they were actually nice, they didn't stick completely to their new stuff..they did manage to stick in red and morale so I was pleased with that. They also played a lil game with the audience... "match the photocopied butt to the band member" ... that went over really well with the 13 year olds. Their set was fine..nothing spectacular.


well, Eve 6 went on last on this night (as opposed to treble charger on the 16th) and to tell the truth, they rather impressed me. I don't really know their new stuff..but I think everyone got hooked by them when inside out came out a few years back..well they played that, to my delight...but the whole rest of their set was really good as well :) They've got a new bassist with them now..they've changed from a 3-piece to a 4-piece which allows the lead singer more opportunity to roam around the stage and interact with the audience a lil more. Their set was much much better than I expected..I'd go see them again..and that's saying something heh.

~reviewed by farfie~

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