The Sneak Preview, Andrea S, Bombs Over Providence, Zyon, & Ballock
September 30/00 @ The Masonic Lodge in Maple

WOOHOO! This night was simply amazing :)


It was The Sneak Preview's first official show n I was happy to be there for it :) The Sneak Preview is Vicki's boyfriend Mike's band, he's the guitarist and played his heart out. Then there's Augie on bass (he rewls!), Joel on drums, and frontman Marko :) They set the mood with their nifty special effects..a smoke machine and stobe light. Those were kool..especially on the video Vicki made of their set, where Marko would disappear into the smoke while he was singing n then seemingly reappear out of really looks kool...and for the low low price of 3 installments of only $99.95, you too can own your very own copy of this exclusive video! hehehe.. :) These guys played an intense set, not slowing down for even a minute..I was captivated, nothing could have distracted me :) Just so you know that I'm not totally biased towards this band cuz we're friends n stuff...just after the set, Kenny from Moneen came over to me and raved about how amazing they are! And indeed it is true. Amazing show, you guys totally rawk :)


all I can say :) Andrea got up to the mic with a total air of confidence (I woulda been crapping bricks heh) and I listened to some of the sweetest words ever to float to my ears. The audience was in awe as I glanced around the room. Even Kenny afterwards commented to Andrea that he should read some of those poems to his girlfriend Lisa :) You were super kool Andrea :)


These guys were really kool, punky emo stuff. I cought bits n pieces of their set, as they were on first n I was sorta hanging around at the door, stamping hands n stuff. But I like their sound, it made me happy :)


This do I even begin to describe them? They started their set off with some quite odd sounds, I didn't have any idea what to expect n then they went ripping into their first was pretty kool. Frontman Chris Gray (formerly of The China White) is a passionate singer and loves to interact with the audience. He sings right in yer face while you sing right back at him....but look out if yer in the front row, if yer not paying attention, you'll get trampled by him n he'll end up in yer lap heh. This was definitely a passionate set by the guys, it was nice to see. And that was definitely the craziest drum set I've ever seen!


Well, remember when yer mother told you "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? hehe...well that's why I'll keep this brief. Their set was ok I guess...I don't think I even paid any attention to them heh..Vicki and I were at the door hanging out with the guys from The Sneak Preview, Kenny and his girlfriend Lisa, among other people. The only thing I will say about this band, is that some stupid kid bashed a hole in the wall during their set. Smooth move, Exlax.

reviewed by farfie

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