The Sneak Preview, Moneen, Soul Phoenix, & Non Chalant
November 9/00 @ The Irish Centre in Brampton

This show sooooo rawked :)


awesome! These guys were so totally kool. Every member of the band was totally into the performance and it totally came across to the audience. This was the first time I'd seen these guys play, I was thoroughly impressed :)


Another completely amazing performance by this totally kool band :) They got all dressed up for the event and looked very suave in their black attire..especially Augie who added a purty silver satin tie to complete his ensemble :) The Sneak Preview were well recieved by the crowd of very nice super kool ppl, everyone was totally into it. These guys are just so totally awesome, yet another performance where I was captivated n mesmerized by their passion and amazing songs :) They all feed off of each other's energy and they look like they're having such a good time, they're really fantastic to watch :) The Sneak Preview rewls! :)


These guys were pretty kool :) They had the crowd rockin to em :) But I think everyone was in high anticipation of Moneen, especially when Lisa came in with the merch hehe :) But still I must give these guys credit, there were really good :) hehe n the drummer was pretty funny, nice outfit! :)


*melts into a lil puddle* that's the perfect way to describe how I felt during Moneen's set hehe :) They were amazing from the first note to the last! They play with a passion that I can't even begin to describe, the best possible thing to say, is GO SEE THEM LIVE! The crowd went absolutely nutz during some of the songs hehe..poor Vicki got smashed into while videotaping one of their songs...let's just say she put the camera away heh. Jim from Winnipeg (that'd be "the guy with the sword" hehe)...he went nutz, it was so awesome. After Moneen finished, their new cd went on sale for $5, and as there were only 30 copies, they went super fast. The funniest part, was they came in paper bags marked with "Moneen's Lunch" on it, and the cd came in between two pieces of bread that's classic! :) Moneen's set was just so incredible..a big 'sux to be you' goes out to anyone who didn't come to this show.. :)

I hope everyone has as awesome a time as I did at this show :)

reviewed by farfie

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