Interview with Unit 404

July 3/00 - at VIBE

Vicki: so, you've got a new album out here...

Adam: yeah, yeah we got a new album out called "the rhythm and the blues" from the band I play in, Unit 404. It's our first full length cd that we've done. It's got 12 songs plus some extra little stuff on it, and it comes with a little fancy booklet inside with complete lyrics and stuff like that.

Vicki: that is so appreciated!

some laughter amongst the pplz

Adam: so, it's [the cd] pretty much brand new and we're gonna be hitting the road across canada with that shortly.

Vicki: that's awesome. I wanted to know something about the music scene in Orangeville, because I've never been to Orangeville and I'd love to go and I just want to know how it is in there.

Adam: ok well in Orangeville there's a lot of guys who want to play in bands, they do stuff, but as far as venues goes, outlets, there's not a heck of a lot and I've kinda taken it upon myself the last couple of years to really try to organize some stuff with either renting some halls and places cuz the bars in town are not very receptive. The only live music we get pretty much is cover bands, top 40 bands. So basically, the scene is kinda really stifled and if a band wants to do anything, they have to go to other towns and that's kinda what we've been doing, going to Toronto and other towns and such.

Vicki: We got this lovely box from Meathead records, and it has a couple of bands from Orangeville, and we just wanted to see if you'd heard of them.

Lisa: Torn Down Units

Adam: oh you know what? I'm friends with that guy...Ian.

Lisa: do you listen to them? do you like them?

Adam: oh sure, sure, they're my party down buddies. Yeah, torn down units...they're actually frauds, cuz they're not from Orangeville, only one person is, everyone else is from Bolton and Caledon East and Georgetown and terrible places like that.


Lisa: How about Jerrycan?

Adam: yeah Jerrycan, I know them. Nice guys, they play punk rock n stuff like that.

Vicki: so you said you played with Sinclaire, that's pretty kool, and name some other bands that you've played with..

Adam: ahh we can name drop..

laughter amongst the pplz

Adam: a few of my favourite bands that we've played with..marilyn's vitamins, from Toronto..the now defunct marilyn's vitamins, a great great band, one of the best punk bands Canada's ever had. We played with them in Guelph before, super kick-ass. Tristan Psionic, we played recently, and actually that was on the same bill that we played with Sinclaire that night and that was in Guelph.

Vicki: so you opened for them in Guelph?

Adam: that's correct

Lisa: we saw them when they came here May 6th and the Meligrove band opened for them, Sinclaire, and Crooked Fingers, so those were the openers for the Toronto show. The Meligrove Band, they're awesome so if you get a chance to play with them, it'd be awesome.

Adam: alright! so, crooked fingers, don't they have someone from Archers of Loaf?

Vicki: very old man

Lisa: old crooning man

Adam: oh right! I heard about this, the guy that did blues right?

Vicki & Lisa: yep, that's him.

Lisa: and it's just him, he got the members of..who was it? Sinclaire or Tristan Psionic? it was one of those bands..the rest of the band played while he played his guitar n sang. I dunno, that was the lull in the concert.


Adam: oh yeah, yeah. We also recently played with a band called All Systems Go..which has ex members of the Doughboys. They played really well and stuff and they were fun. And another band called Tuuli.

Vicki: they're so sexy...I can even say that.

Adam: and they were really nice too.

Vicki: were they?

Adam: yeah, they gave me a whole bunch of stuff.

Vicki: awesome, that's so kool. Yeah, I went to see them at Canadian Music Week and all they guys were drooling over them. It was a really interesting sight. Oh, I wanted to know what your favourite movie is cuz I'm a movie freak.

Adam: oh..favourite movie..right now? all time?

Vicki: now and all time

Adam: ohh..uh that's a tough question *discusses with his friend Chris*

Vicki n Lisa invite Chris to come say hi

Chris: hi, how's it going?


Adam: well I guess Pulp Fiction, or Forrest Gump..

Lisa: how 'bout 80's movies? cheezy 80's movies?

Adam: oooh 80's! I love renting those things. I saw Time Rider...Time Rider is the adventure of Lyle Swan..and what it is is a moto-cross bike race..the guy accidentally goes into an army testing field, gets hit with some time-travelling thing, he goes back into the wild wild west..and basically what happens is he impregnates his grandmother...

simultaneous EWWW


Lisa: what is the deal with 99 tracks on yer album?

Adam: ohh.. the deal with 99 tracks is there's a hidden track on 99..but if you're gonna play 'bout..#5, love letters

Lisa: we're gonna play love letters to introduce Unit404 to our lovely audience and then we're gonna come back for more chit chat with the band


Vicki: so when did the band form and all that stuff?

Adam: formed in Orangeville...basically just started playing guitar and stuff and kinda jamming with a couple of guys, one of which was Evan the drummer for this band. Basically we first set up years ago in my parents basement. We set up paint tins, for drumsticks we cut up dowling wood and for the base drum we used a big cardboard box. As crazy as that's true. We went through a couple of bassists. Actually, Darrel who left the band, and then kinda asked to be back..well I think it was just kinda meant to be that way. And I feel so privileged and lucky and blessed and thankful that I can play with those two guys, Evan and Darrel, cuz they're awesome.

Lisa: where are Evan and Darrel today?

Adam: Darrel is at work, and Evan is actually I believe working a bit on the van that I was telling you about earlier.

Lisa: the van yes..Unit 404 is going on tour, tell us a little bit about your upcoming tour.

Adam: yes, across canada. We'll be going shortly across the whole of Canada. starting off in pretty much the maritimes, we're gonna be playing in Halifax and stuff like that, and then working our way across the Maritimes, Quebec, Northern Ontario, Prairies, all the way out to Vancouver, playing a bit there, coming back...playing all over the place.

Lisa: like Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie...what kind of Northern Ontario?

Adam: uh yes, yes, exactly..

Lisa: do you have a venue in Sudbury?

Adam: sudbury..actually to tell you the truth I don't remember offhand, I didn't bring any notes with me. But we'll be playing with a variety of different bands like Sinclaire, I believe we were talking about before. We'll be playing with the band punchbuggy as well, from the east coast.

Vicki: ooh..old but good. I mean they've been playing for such a long time...I mean punchbuggy, radio blaster and all those. Mid 90's..I just loved that indie scene then.

Adam: yeah definitely. So we're looking forward to doing it, meeting a lot of great people on the way it's a lot of fun.

Lisa: Look for Unit 404 coming to the El Mo August 14, check out for that in Eye Magazine, or Now Magazine.

Vicki: what other song would you like us to play?

Adam: off the album? aw gee, I dunno

Lisa: how about Chris pick a song? what's your favourite Unit 404 song?

Chris: the best things in life

Adam: the best things in life...ok if I can give this a little intro if I may..

Lisa & Vicki: yeah of course..definitely

Adam: this song's all kind of about...without getting too political or socially kind of on the soap box...about a lot of materialism and stuff like that, and it's all in the lyrics if you get our album and can understand our lyrics, some of the songs you probably won't but...


Lisa: get it, go out and buy it

Adam: actually, ya know what? it's not in a lot of record stores yet, cuz we don't have distribution yet, so we're still looking at some labels to distribute it

Lisa: buy it at the show

Adam: exactly

Lisa: or, we have a couple of copies, you could win it here if you call us at 828-5411

Vicki: or go to their should plug your website

Adam: oh right..the website is..if I could just take a look here..oh here we go, now there's a huge name one, but I'll give the short name one..the short one has advertisements on it so I don't like giving it out, but I will anyways. ...that will take you to our page..and our page right now is kinda out of date. but hopefully we'll get my friend Bill, who's kind of a lazy guy, to update that soon. You know what I'm talking about Chris?

Chris: I hear ya


Vicki: shout out to Bill..hey

more laughter

Lisa: so, we're gonna play track three, the best things in life, from Unit 404 right here on punk n stuff on vibe radio


Vicki: during the music, we were talking about the 27 band compillation that Unit 404 is on, and I just wanted to get some info on that and how it was...and some dirt on Raw Energy


Adam: sure. yeah, the name of the compilation is on the road with a snowboard...actually it's been out for a little while now. It has a variety of bands from all over Canada. They wanted to put a song of ours on there and so we did that. We sold out of all the copies we had, but I think you can still go into record stores and get it for a way too expensive price. We were selling them at shows for $10 and I think they're selling them at HMV for $21. So don't be retarded and pay that much money folks, go to shows it's a deal. Even if you don't like live music go for a'll get cd's so much cheaper.

Vicki: yeah, that always happens. Oh, and I wanted to ask...cuz you've already answered the question to me but to the audience...what do you think of our campus and Mississauga in general?

Adam: oooh, I can't say how much I love it. No, in all seriousness, I'm not being sarcastic at all, I think Chris, my friend here, and myself agree it's beautiful, lots of greenery, huge buildings. This is truly the lap of luxury right here.

lots of laughter

Vicki: I wanted to you think it's kool to write about love and relationships? is that ok?

Adam: ok..these loaded gun questions hehe...sure, I think it's kool to write about whatever comes from the heart. The kind of music that's always gotten to me over the years no matter what style it's been...rap or country or blues or punk rock or emo or whatever it is, has always been stuff straight from the heart. So I think that whatever your topic might be, as long as it's honest and sincere, that's kool, but let's just not try to be too sappy about things and then that's kool.

Vicki: that's kool, cuz I know there's a lot of guys who are.."ew emo, it's all about love.." No, I think it's really kool that you can write about that.

Adam: well yeah, ya know in some forms or another, emo's always been around. It's just stuff that's really sincere. If you want to get technical with all this big label stuff, emo's probably the next big thing that breaks. And there's probably a good reason just cuz it's so good music. Probably bands that are gonna make it break are bands like Jimmy Eat World and the Get Up Kids. And that's why I think Capital Records went after Jimmy Eat World, and they hung on to them for a while, even tho they weren't selling too many records, cuz they knew. But, in about a year and a half from now, we'll all be talking about the big emo explosion and we're all gonna be dressing like a bunch of geeks like me here. We're all gonna be rolling up our jeans n wearing crappy runners hehe.


Vicki: and also, because Lisa's an English major and I'm a Soc major...I wanted to know what the most inspirational or favourite book is

Adam: ya know what? I just so happened to be thinking about that book last night before I went to sleep...and I rarely sleep..I'm usually like "2 hours of sleep, aw yeah I'm set". Probably my favourite book is called The Road Less Travelled by a writer called M. Scott Peck. It's a book about Philosophy and Psychology. It's really a book that can change your life. There's a lot of neat fiction n stuff. But lately I've been reading more realism based books. They're way to live type books

Lisa: Have you ever read The Outsiders? One of those classic S.E. Hinton?


Lisa: aww, you've never seen the movie either?

Adam: no, I don't watch many movies to tell you the truth

Lisa: aww, that is just a classic book...I think I read that in grade 8 the first time. That is my favourite book of all time.

Adam: well, another book I really like is Roots by....aww I can't believe I forget his name now..Alex...big book they made into that 8 part mini-series on ABC years ago..really good. It was about this family that had their roots in Africa coming across to America and it chronicled through generations. It was really kool, and really fun.

Lisa: I took this Canadian Fiction class this you know any Canadian Fiction..Timothy Findley?

Adam: well, you know far as Canadian writers go probably the stuff I've read the most of is stuff like Margaret Atwood n stuff like that

Lisa: yeah, do you like her?

Adam: yeah, she's got really good tell you the truth, I went into kind of a bitter phase with that stuff...but I've kind of come around, and I'm not as bitter with that stuff anymore...and I don't care to go into details about it hehe

Lisa: topic hehe...oh did we ask all our questions? tell us your funniest road or show story

Adam: ok..we can take our pick..we've got about a million and a half of Chris? I think Chris can attest to this next one hehe. Well, apparently I have a bit of a reputation live to be a bit of a wild card and stuff. Apparently my reputation supercedes me when I got to places people always think I'm gonna smash equipment and jump off stuff n this n that. In reality that rarely happens..rarely. I don't usually break guitars.

Lisa: so, you have to put a large deposit down?


Adam: hehe well, for example, one time we did play in Orangeville at this battle of the bands competition, and I myself don't really like stuff like that. But what I did like, is that there were 4 original bands, and we were one of them. And one point during the concert, I just said over the mic "this is really great, there's finally some original music going on in Orangeville. I just wish that we could do this without being in for music's sake and without the bullshit of judging us." Oops..pardon my french hehe. Anyways tho, apparently after that, I got a little flak..even our local paper gave us a bit of a write-up and there was a section that said we're badmouths. I almost fell out of this bar window cuz I kinda move around a bit when I sing, I almost fell two stories heh. But I dunno, I honestly stand by those comments n stuff. It seems like there's always a little bit of controversy with us. But we just genuinely love playing music n love music for music's sake. I hate rock star stuff, so I don't do it.

Lisa: exactly. So, we're gonna get to another unit 404 song?

Adam: more after this please hehe

Lisa & Vicki: awww come on

Adam: more...let's try *confers with Chris* #1 or #2? ....#2 ok

Lisa: we're playing #2 called the give up...

Adam: and this one's actually featuring Darrel on vocals

Lisa:, any stories? wanna set this one up for us?

Adam: uh...Darrel is a marvellous singer..that's all I'm gonna say

Lisa: alright, Darrel singing in Unit 404 right now on punk n stuff on vibe radio


Vicki: I have some Marilyn's Vitamins set up here, well first an interview done by Zack from Ductape records and after that there's song called the day baywatch was cancelled.

Lisa: are there any bands right now, say they were playing tonight, that you would wanna go see?

Adam: oh geez, a million. Like I was just mentioning, weezer, jimmy eat world, nada surf..

Vicki: oh my gosh! Nada Surf! do you know what happened to Nada Surf? where did they go?

Adam: actually, I got an email from the lead singer the other day. Yeah, they got dropped from their major label..cuz they had success with that Popular song. I picked up the album, not necessarily cuz of that, but I was just curious and I turned out loving it. They put out another album a couple years ago, but the label just kinda dropped them n deleted the tapes or took it away..but their album is coming out soon. They're a great band. And then there's also a lot of other really kool bands. Actually, I went to Edgefest the other day. Yeah, it was kool, probably the highlight for me was Limblifter.

Lisa: exactly, see with us..the whole time we've been mentioning concert listings.. Edgefest, blah blah blah..we're not going this year cuz the line up just wasn't good enough.

Vicki: tell him about last year's wonderful experience...

Lisa: oh last year, did you go last year?

Adam: yeah, I pretty much go just for the experience of being there, not for the bands anymore, which is kinda weird heh..

Lisa: well see this year Warped Tour is also in Molson Park in Barrie, n to go to Molson Park in Barrie and spend the whole day there..that's a once a year thing. So, it was Warped Tour or Edgefest, and I picked Warped Tour, cuz the bands this year are awesome. So, last years edgefest, July 1, Canada Day..was Rainfest. It just poured all day long n it was disgusting n I was soaked n I was shivering n I just wanted to go home, but my friend's favourite band is Moist n they went on second last. So, I was there all day, I was dying. We had about 10 ppl there all together, there was 3 cars. Vicki and her sisters left. Then this other girl, I won't mention her name, her and her sister left. And then I was there, me my friend Julie and her boyfriend Kevin, they were my ride home. And I wanted to stay for the bands anyways. But I was soaked n it was disgusting n we were like "never again" heh. So then for Warped Tour, we bought raincoats hehe. But we sweltered, it was disgusting. But it was worth it. Would you ever play Warped Tour?

Adam: Would I? Geez I dunno..

Lisa: Would you want to play something that big?

Adam: I dunno. I just like to play to people. I wouldn't wanna do anything that kinda compromises anything. I dunno about sponsored tours n stuff like that. But I mean, I don't think they'll ask us, so I don't have to worry about it heh. But with Warped Tour, a couple years ago, with Deftones n Bad Religion n NOFX, there was really a lot of good bands n stuff. It was down at the Dock's in Toronto, and it was the worst set up.

Lisa: Was it on the gravel?

Adam: Yeah it was on the gravel. Now the worst part of this was that for the whole 10,000 people they had down at the Docks, they only had for food, 2 hotdog stands!

Lisa: oh my god are you serious? It was better - ..well no, it wasn't that much better last year heh.

Adam: We waited, without exaggeration, an hour and a half in stupid lines for a hotdog. and they ran outta water too. I mean, festivals are fun, but if it's a band you really love, you gotta see them in an intimate setting, that's what I feel.

Lisa: yeap, small venues are better. but, I mean, the warped tour is pretty good...for $30 you get to see all these bands, so it's kinda good. And if you don't know them, then you get a flavour for them, and you wanna go see them in a smaller venue, so I think it's good for that.

Adam: oh that's probably the best part about it, definitely....that and the $40 t-shirts

laughter breaks out

here's where we play some music heh

Vicki: so what's the background of yer band?

Adam: ok well, basically pretty much we all got together n played instruments to be in this band, Darrel and Evan and I. I've never really played in any other band. Just with Evan and Darrel, y'know, it's just worked out good. Y'know it's just one of those relationships that you stick with.

Lisa: How did you decide who played what?

Adam: Well I kinda played guitar first, just by default. Evan wanted to play drums, and at the time we didn't know Darrel n stuff. We'd play with this bass player n stuff like that, and I ended up singing a lot of stuff, just cuz no one else wanted to, so someone had to. All I wanted to do at the beginning was be a rhythm guitar player just in the background, but somehow these guys pushed me out there.

Lisa: Do you find performing in front of an audience easy? or do you focus on someone and pretend they're in their underwear or something? heh

lots of laffs

Adam: actually, I usually wear eyeglasses, but when I play I don't...because, well first of all cuz I get really into it and move around a lot n don't wanna throw my glasses..but it also helps cuz I can't focus on anyone's expressions n stuff in the crowd. No, playing to me isn't much different than when the three of us get together and jam. I love playing with those guys whether it's just the three of us by ourselves or whether it's in front of 100 people.

Lisa: 'bout that first show, do you remember your first show?

Adam: oh yeah, it was at the el mocambo, upstairs. It was one of these teen band kinda things, and uh..yeah it was kinda rough, but then again we were kinda rough at the time n stuff. Yeah it was fun, I look back on it now. To this day, I have more desire to do this than ever before. I love it, it's kinda grown on me now.

Lisa: that's wicked. So, we've been talking with Unit 404, they're from Orangeville Ontario. Look for them coming August 14 to the El Mocambo. We've been talking with Adam from the band, and Chris the chauffer..come say bye.

Adam: come on Chris.

Lisa: come say bye everybody

Chris: bye

Lisa: and adam..

Adam: thanx a lot for inviting me down here, you guys are awesome. I hope everyone keeps listening to you folks because you guys have such an enthusiasm for music and are having a lot of fun I can tell. So, I hope one day I can come by, see you guys again.

Lisa: yeah, come back again, we'd love to have you, thank you so much for coming :)

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